Lalibeila's Garden

Lalibeila's Garden
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Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Make Your Own Tomato Fertiliser

I'm not a hater of nettles, they contain so many nutrients and they grow in good soil. I don't like the pain when you accidentally touch one, it lasts a long time. Dock, which would resolve the issue of the sting, does not grow in my garden which is a shame.

This year, in the Spring, I made a really tasty nettle soup, I've rinsed my locks with nettle leaf tonic after shampooing and I made a large bucket of garden fertiliser.

Comfrey too, makes a similar fertiliser  for the garden but it is potent in a different way.

trailing cherry tomatoes - seeds from 99p shop

Here's how you do it:

Nettle Fertiliser
  1. Just cut down the nettles, do it in April/May when the nettles are still young and full of strength
  2. Wearing rubber gloves, pick the nettles up and place them in a half bucket of water until fully submerged.
  3. Fill the bucket with more water and place a lid over it.
  4. Leave to stand for at least three weeks, or until the nettles turn to a smelly, slimy mush.
  5. Take out the nettle mush put in on your compost heap.
  6. This is your mother fertiliser.
  7. Dilute this mixture 1 part fertiliser to 10 parts water and then water your tomatoes, or anything that needs a little feeding.

Comfrey Fertiliser
Use the same process but replace nettles with comfrey leaves

WARNING: You might want to wear a mask, this stuff smells like a sewer - I quite like the pure farmyardiness of the aroma, especially as I live in London it takes me out of the concrete and into the countryside.

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